Happiness Week

Happiness is ...

Amidst the new normal, we find ourselves focusing too much on all the things that have not been right over the past two years. In the process, we forget to rejoice the simple joys that will allow us to keep going and provide the right incentive for us to rise above the situation at hand. How would one do so? By celebrating the International Day of Happiness, of course!

The International Day of Happiness is a day, set by the United Nations, to make people around the world realize the importance of happiness within their lives. The Prefects’ Board conducted activities on 14th and 16th March in conjunction with the International Day of Happiness. 

To start off the festivities, the prefects fabricated bookmarks with positive quotes for every staff in school. An online game ‘sketchlful.io’ was conducted with students from Year 4 to 8 who were given time to sketch images symbolizing happiness, while their classmates had to guess the word these images represented.

The Year 10 and 11 students were roped into a creative hands-on activity – fashioning origami hearts with expressive words. They offered these vibrantly coloured hearts to those they hold dear in their lives.

Throughout the day, students and staff greeted each other while wearing warm smiles; they celebrated the true meaning of happiness.

As Margaret Lee Runbeck cited, “Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of travelling.”

By Dalreena Kaur

March 2025